
Table Of Contents
JSON Record Content List (Explicit Types)
Describes a list of data fields (as name/value pairs), a data table schema, nested data records
(if any), along with a number of additional properties for a data record entity of a specific ID.
Unlike a JSON Record Content List structure, this structure includes a data table schema (of
data column/field data types) and uses specific JSON types to represent the value of data fields
in the data record.
A data record entity (in the root or master data table) can contain one or more data tables
that each contain one or more data record entities (nested data record entities).
A nested data record entity can itself contain one or more data tables that each contain
one or more nested data record entities, and so on for potentially multiple levels of nested
data tables and data record entities.
A data record entity that contains a data table of nested data record entities is considered
to be the parent of the data record entities contained in that data table (which are
considered to be the children).
See the Data Entities page of the Technical Overview section for further detail on data set
and data record entities.
The structure consists of an object with the following name/value pairs:
l id the data record entity identifier (type of number)
l schema the data table schema for the data record entity, consisting of an object with the
following name/value pairs:
l columns a list of the data columns/fields in the data table schema and their
corresponding data types, consisting of an object with one or more name/value
l <name> the name (name) and data type of the data field (value of either
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