
Table Of Contents
l fields a list of the data fields in the data record and their corresponding data
values, consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:
l <name> the name (name) and data value of the data field (type of either
string, number or boolean)
l tables a list of any nested data tables in the data record, consisting of an object
with one or more name/value pairs:
l <name> the name (name) of the data table and a list the data records it
contains, consisting of an array of objects each with the following name/value
l id a required/default fixed value of 0 for all data records (type of
l fields a list of the data fields in the data record and their
corresponding data values, consisting of an object with one or more
name/value pairs:
l <name> the name (name) and data value of the data field (type of
either string, number or boolean)
A subset of the runtime parameters defined in the template can be passed in the following
l parameters a set of runtime parameter names and their corresponding values,
consisting of an object with one or more name/value pairs:
l <name> the name (name) and the value of the runtime parameter
(type of either string, number, or boolean)
For either email output directly to a SMTP mail server or email output to the file store, the
following optional name/value pairs can be specified:
l attachPdfPage parameter to specify if a PDF file of the Print context should also be
created and attached to the email output (type of boolean)
l attachWebPage parameter to specify if HTML files of the enabled sections (a single
section by default) in the Web context should also be created and attached to the email
output (type of boolean)
Specific to email output directly to a SMTP mail server, an additional name/value pair is
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