
Table Of Contents
l Section the section within the Email context of the template to use.
l Attach Print Context as PDF if a Print context exists in the template, create its output
as a PDF file and attach it to the email output (Default value depends on Template).
l Attach Web Context as HTML if a Web context exists in the template, create output of
its enabled sections (a single section by default) as HTML files and attach them to the
email output.
Common to both forms of email output, if the From field is populated, then the following email
parameters can also be specified:
l From Name the name to be shown as the sender in the email output.
l Use From as To Email Address use the sender address as the receiver address for all
emails in the output.
Finally, if creating email output directly to a SMTP mail server, you need to specify how email
security is to be used with the content creation operation:
l Use Authentication if authentication is to be used with the mail server.
l Start TLS if Transport Layer Security (TLS) is to be opportunistically used when
sending emails.
l Username the username to authenticate/login with.
l Password the password to authenticate/login with.
Lastly, select the Submit button to start the content creation operation.
Once the operation has started processing, the Operation ID will be displayed in the Results
area and the Cancel button will become enabled, giving you the option to cancel the running
The progress of the operation will be displayed in the progress bar, and once the content
creation operation has completed, an operation result will be returned and displayed to the
Results area.
If creating email output to the file store, a report of the emails successfully created will be
returned in JSON Email Output List format. Alternatively, creating email output directly to a
SMTP mail server will return a simple report of the emails successfully created and sent.
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