
Table Of Contents
To run the example simply select the input combination of your choosing, populate the
appropriate input fields and then check any options that you may require.
The following file based input fields can be referenced by Managed File ID\Name:
l Data file
l Data Mapping configuration
l Template
l Job Creation preset
l Output Creation preset
Specific to the specification of a Job Creation Preset, one or more Runtime Parameters can
also be specified. Parameters can be added and removed using the Add Parameter and
Remove Selected buttons respectively, and once added the following fields can be then
populated for each parameter:
l Name The name of the runtime parameter (as specified in the Job Creation Preset)
l Type The type of the runtime parameter as either String, Number, Boolean or Date (as
specified in the Job Creation Preset)
l Value The value of the runtime parameter (specific to the type selected)
The following options are only available if the input combination includes output creation:
l Create Only Create the output in server but do not send spool file to its final destination.
In this example this would mean that the output files(s) would not be sent to the output
directory specified in the output creation preset.
l Get Result as Text Return the result as text specifically. If our All-In-One Configuration
includes output creation, then in this example this would return the absolute path to the
output file(s).
The following option is only available if the input combination includes all four processes:
l Print Range Restrict the print output to a specific range of records in the input data, not
a specific range of pages.
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