
Table Of Contents
JSON Data Record Identifier List (with Parameters)
Describes a list of identifiers for multiple data entities (specifically data record entities), along
with additional parameters.
It is used specifically with the Data Record Entity service as input to the Get Multiple Data
Record Values (JSON) resource method. The value of the explicitTypes parameter
determines if the result returned is either a JSON Record Content Lists or JSON Record
Content Lists (Explicit Types) structure.
The structure consists of an object with the following name/value pairs:
l recordids an array of data record entity identifiers (type of number)
l recursive parameter to specify if all data tables within each data record should be
recursed and the values of any nested data records retrieved also (type of boolean)
l explicitTypes parameter to specify if both data record values and data types are to be
retrieved (type of boolean)
The following is an example of this structure:
"recordids": [ 12345, 23456, 34567 ],
"recursive": true,
"explicitTypes": false
JSON Email Output List
Describes a list of email message output, a content set ID for that output, and any errors that
may have occurred specific to a content creation for email operation.
The structure consists of an object with the following name/value pairs:
l messages a list of the email messages created, consisting of an array of objects each
with the following name/value pairs:
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