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This may be solved by deleting the %UserProfile%\Connect\.eclipse directory.
For guidance on a full manual uninstallation please see the Solution in: Problems during a
Connect installation or version upgrade in Connect's Knowledge Base:
http://help.objectiflune.com/en/kb-connect/#KB/FAQ/OL Connect/KB2002.htm.
Backend database might require periodic maintenance
Databases maintain a variety of statistics in order to optimize performance. When high levels of
inserts and/or deletions occur, the statistical data keeping can struggle to keep up. Over a
period of prolonged and intensive processing this can result in a degradation in performance,
with the whole database slowing down as it struggles to clean itself up.
In Connect terms the effect can be felt as the Data Mapper and/or Job Creation progressively
slowing down.
To cure this issue, it is recommended that you periodically run manual maintenance on the
backend database.
If using MS-SQL, you can run the following command in a query window:
set @a=null,@c=null,@b=concat("show tables where",ifnull(concat("
`Tables_in_",database(),"` like '",@c,"' and"),'')," (@a:=concat_ws
Prepare `bd` from @b;
set @a:=concat('optimize table ',@a);
PREPARE `sql` FROM @a;
EXECUTE `sql`;
set @a=null,@b=null,@c=null;
If using MySQL, the following script should be run in a query window:
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