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Connect 2018.2 Enhancements
Sassy CSS
PlanetPress Connect 2018.2 introduces Sass CSS preprocessor functionality to the Designer.
Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS that enables you to use
things like variables, nested rules, inline imports and more.
Maintenance of CSS styles for templates requiring many different style rules can become a
tedious undertaking. Stylesheets files keep getting larger and more complex and thus harder to
maintain. Some common challenges include:
l How to group/organize rules that belong together? (e.g. styles for an address block, footer
or dynamic table)
l How to update a color value or font family across multiple rules and even across
stylesheet files?
A CSS preprocessor like Sass solves these problems and helps you write maintainable code.
In Connect Designer options have been added to the Stylesheets folder to create and compile
Sass files (.scss file written using Sass 3 syntax). For more information on the Sass language
see: www.sass-lang.com.
Compiling a .scss file outputs a normal CSS
stylesheet file which is automatically linked
to the current section.
Alternatively use drag and drop to link the result to other sections or use the Includes dialog of a
specific section.
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