
Table Of Contents
prevents the engines from being starved from connections to the Connect Server if the external
connections are not closed fast enough.
These settings are located on the new Connections” page of the Connect Server
Configuration. The Security” preferences page for the Connect Server connection is now a sub
page of this new page.
The new settings are as follows:
l Allow inter-engine communication to occur on alternate ports, to reduce the chance of
inter-engine communication being starved of connections when running on systems with
a high numbers of HTTP connections. (SHARED-64035/65449)
See highlighted in red boxes in following image.
l Set the maximum number of simultaneous asynchronous jobs. (SHARED-64043)
Highlighted in blue box in following image.
Connect 2018.2 Output updates
Important Information
The Output Engine (Weaver)memory footprint has increased in Connect 2018.2. This means
some users might need to increase their Weaver memory allocation in the Engine Setup
Note:When running really large jobs, it often pays to increase Weaver memory allocation,
even if only for the duration of the production job(s).
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