
Table Of Contents
OutOfMemory Errors in PostScript Output
When creating PostScript output or using the REST API to run a custom Enhance configuration
containing one or more PostScript output channels, "OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace" errors
could be encountered. This was due to JavaScript source code in the PostScript printer
definition being compiled too often. This issue has now been fixed. (SHARED-64350)
Issue with background image URLpaths
Fixed issues with URL path encoding. This issue applied to Section background image paths
(\\host\path\image.png) containing special characters, such as spaces and hash signs ('#').
Special characters displayed incorrectly in Designer Snippet editor
Fixed an issue with the encoding of non-Latin-1 characters in HTML snippet editors.
Connect 2018.1.1 Enhancements/Fixes
Section cloning issues
Two separate Section cloning issues were fixed. (SHARED-64087)
The issues were:
l Cloned content was being based upon the section for which addBefore or addAfter was
invoked, rather than the section the clone was originally based on.
l The rendered page count could be incorrect. This was due to the page count of a section
bundle (consisting of sections with continuous page numbering) mistakenly overwriting
the page count of the previous section bundle.
Weaver Engine memory leak
Improvements made to how the Weaver Engine reclaims memory, in order to reduce any
memory leakage. (SHARED-64205)
DataMapper issue with PDF input
In PlanetPress Connect 1.8 and previous versions, the DataMapper's boundaries.find()
function returned the region searched within PDF files, whereas for text files it returned the
exact region where the text was found. In 2018.1 this was changed so that boundaries.find()
on PDFs would return the exact region where the text was found, the same as for text files.
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