
Table Of Contents
Anchored positioned boxes losing style attributes
Absolute positioned (Anchored) elements would lose some style attributes under certain
circumstances. These issues would only occur when the absolute positioned element had
multiple style attributes that ended with the text "top" or "left". Such as is the case with
"padding-top" and "top". If both those attributes were set, then only one of the attributes would
be retained. (SHARED-57361)
l Customers upgrading from 1.6.1 to 1.8 will not experience any issues with their templates.
l Customers upgrading from 1.7.1 or 1.7.2 to 1.8 will experience problems only if they have
saved their templates within 1.7.1. or 1.7.2, and only if those templates contained
absolute positioned objects with specific inline CSS styles that end with top or left, such
as padding-top, padding-left, border-top etc.
In that case those specific styles will be gone and they will either need to restore a
backup from before 1.7.x of those templates or manually set the styles again in 1.8 and
save the templates.
Changes made to Output Speeds in Connect 1.8
A speed throttling issue was discovered that allowed some users to exceed license limitations.
This issue has been corrected, and output speeds will now more accurately reflect license
Connect 1.8 Performance Related Enhancements and Fixes
Faster Performance Tweaking in Server Configuration
When tweaking performance it can be hard to figure out the right settings for the number of
Merge engines, Weaver engines, dividing speed units, etc. Having to restart the Connect
Server to apply the changes every time a setting was changed also made tweaking
performance harder than it should have been. So we've made some improvements in order that
changing scheduling settings no longer requires a Server restart.
When you hit Apply or OK, the Connect Server will pick up your new settings. Engines are only
stopped or started as needed, so the impact is minimal. Changes can even be made while jobs
are running, without the jobs being interrupted.
This greatly reduces the time and effort required for optimizing performance. (SHARED-53222)
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