
Table Of Contents
Templates and data mapping configurations need to be sent from the Designer to PlanetPress
Workflow before they can be used in the Workflow process; see "Sending files to Workflow" on
The next step is to create a process in PlanetPress Workflow that generates Web output, using
these files.
For more information about how to create a process in Workflow, please refer to the Online
Help of Workflow.
Batching and commingling
A Connect Print process in its simplest form merges data with a template and creates the print
job(s) in one go, as shown in "Print processes with OL Connect tasks" on page186.
In reality, however, a company might want to create letters and invoices during the week, for
example, and then print them out only over the weekend. For such a scenario, it would be better
to separate the data mapping and content creation process from the production of the actual
print job(s), and work with print batches.
Batching means gathering and then printing previously created print content items.
Commingling refers to documents originating from different templates being combined into one
print batch.
This topic explains how to batch, commingle, and - not the least importantly - sort and separate
items into print batches with Connect.
The Workflow tasks mentioned here can all be found on the OL Connect tab of the Plug-In Bar
in Workflow. For descriptions of the tasks, see "OL Connect tasks" on page181.
Batching refers to creating print jobs from print content items that were created earlier. A
batching print process is split up in 2 phases:
l Phase 1: Content is created by merging a print template with data. Newly created print
content items are always automatically saved in the Connect database
. Information
about the set of items (the "content set"), including the Content Set ID, gets stored in the
database as well.
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