
Table Of Contents
element is called an 'item'.
Note that in addition to being valid, the JSON should follow naming rules for XML elements. For
example, "adress_line_1:" is a valid key name in JSON, but it cannot be converted to a valid
element name in XML because the colon is reserved for namespaces. For XML naming rules
and best naming practices, see: XML elements on W3Schools.
The wizard cannot create detail tables. If the file contains transactional data, the data mapping
configuration is best created without a wizard (see "Creating a new data mapping
configuration" on page198).
There are two ways to open an XML/JSON file with a wizard: from the Welcome screen or from
the File menu.
l From the Welcome screen
1. Open the PlanetPress Connect Welcome page by clicking the icon at the top right
or select the Help menu and then Welcome.
2. Click New DataMapper Configuration.
3. From the Using a wizard pane, select XML.
4. Click the Browse button and select the file you want to work with. For a JSON file,
change the file type to JSON first. Click Next.
l From the File menu
1. In the menu, click File > New.
2. Click the Data mapping Wizards drop-down and select From XML File.
3. Click Next.
4. Click the Browse button and select the file you want to work with. For a JSON file,
change the file type to JSON first. Click Next.
After selecting a file, you have to set the split level and trigger type:
l XML Elements: This is a list of node elements that have children nodes. Select the level
in the data that will define the source record.
l Trigger: Select On element to create a record for each occurrence of the node element
selected in the XML Elements field, or select On change to create a record each time the
element is different. (Check the option to include attributes in the list of content items that
can trigger a boundary.)
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