
Table Of Contents
1. Right-click one of the repeating elements and select Add Repeat.
This adds a Repeat step to the data mapping configuration.
By default, the Repeat type of this step is set to For Each, so that each of the repeated
elements is iterated over. You can see this on the Step properties pane, as long as the
Repeat step is selected on the Steps pane. In the Collection field, you will find the
corresponding node path.
You may edit the XPath in the Collection field, to include or exclude elements
from the loop. One example of this is given in a How-to: Using Xpath in a Repeat
The example in the How-to uses the starts-with() function. For an overview of
XPath functions, see Mozilla: XPath Functions.
In addition, it is possible to use JavaScript statements in an XPath in the Collection
field to dynamically select elements; see "Repeat Definition" on page359.
The Goto step isn't used in XML extraction workflows in most cases. The DataMapper
moves through the file using Xpath, a path-like syntax to identify and navigate nodes in
an XML document.
2. (Optional.) Add an empty detail table via the Data Model pane: right-click the Data Model
and select Add a table. Give the detail table a name.
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