
Table Of Contents
l Default Value: Click to set the default value for a field. This value is used if no extraction
is present, or if an extraction attached to this field returns no value.
l Move: Click to move the selected field within the current level or group in the Data Model.
(See: "Ordering and grouping fields in the Data Model" on page269.)
l Top: Move the field to the first place.
l Up: Move the field one step up.
l Down: Move the field one step down.
l Bottom: Move the field to the last place.
l Collapse All: Collapse the fields on the record level, in all detail tables and in all groups.
l Expand All: Expand the fields on the record level, in all detail tables and in all groups.
l Copy: Copy the field's contents to the clipboard.
Field display
Fields in the Data Model pane are displayed in specific ways to simplify comprehension of the
display data:
l The column on the left displays the name of the field.
l The column on the right displays the current value of the extracted field based on the
record shown in the Data Viewer, if an Extract step has an extraction for this field (see
"Extracting data" on page231).
l The icon to the left of the name indicates the data type of the field (see "Data types" on
l A field name with an asterisk to the right indicates that this field is required. All imported
data model fields are initially marked as required to prevent them from being removed,
since the DataMapper immediately discards non-required fields that are not referenced by
any Extract step.
l A field with a grey background indicates this Data Model field does not have any
attached extracted data.
l A field with a white background indicates that the field has attached extracted data but
the step extracting the data is not currently selected.
l A field with a blue background indicates that the field has attached extracted data and
the step extracting the data is currently selected.
l A field or table with red text indicates a difference between the data model in the data
mapping configuration and template.
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