
Table Of Contents
l Use XPath: Enter an XPath to create a delimiter based on thenode nameof elements.
For example:./*[starts-with(name(),'inv')]sets a delimiter after every
element of which the name starts with 'inv'. Note thatstarts-with()is an XPath
function. For an overview of XPath functions, see Mozilla: XPath Functions.
The XPath may also contain JavaScript code. In order to use JavaScript:
l The XPath must start with =
l The entire JavaScript statement must be enclosed in curly brackets: {...}
l Any other curly brackets that are not part of the JavaScript code must be escaped
with a backslash.
l Single line comments (//...) in the code are not supported.
Note that since the XPath is a string, the return value of the JavaScript statement will be
interpreted as a string.
Currently, XPaths that select elements based on an attribute, attribute value, node
value, node counter or node index are not supported.
l Show all elements: When the delimiter is set to a specific element or XPath, checking
this option allows to extract information from higher-level nodes, including those that
follow the element or path. This might slow down the processing, so if you don't need any
information from the higher-level nodes that follow that specific element, it is
recommended to leave this option unchecked.
When this option is used in combination with a trigger element that is not repeated at the
same node level (in other words, it doesn't have a sibling with the same name), the entire
XML document will be shown for each record, except the trigger element, which will only
be shown for the record that is currently selected in the Data Model pane.
This could lead to a problem with some steps that use an XPath with absolute indexes,
such as a location-based Extract step. Using a dynamic index in the XPath will fix the
problem. For example, in the case of a location-based Extract step, switch to extracting
the data via JavaScript (see "Expression-based field" on page273); in the JavaScript
expression, replace the index of the element's parent in the XPath with record.index.
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