
Table Of Contents
l On delimiter:Defines a boundary on a static number of pages.
l Occurrences: The number of times that the delimiter is encountered before
fixing the boundary. For example, if you know that your documents always
have four pages delimited by the FF character, you can set the boundaries
after every four delimiters.
l On text: Defines a boundary on a specific text comparison.
l Location:
l Selected area:
l Select the areabutton: Uses the value of the current data selection
as the text value. Making a new selection and clicking on Select
the area will redefine the location.
l Left/Right: Defines where to find the text value in the row.
l Top/Bottom: Defines the start and end row of the data selection to
compare with the text value.
l Entire width: Ignores the column values and compares using the whole
l Entire height: Ignores the row values and compares using the whole
l Entire page: Compares the text value on the whole page. Only available
withcontains,not contains,is emptyandis not
l Times condition found: When the boundaries are based on the presence of
specific text, you can specify after how many instances of this text the
boundary can be effectively defined. For example, if a string is always found
on the first and on the last page of a document, you could specify a number of
occurrences of 2. This way, there is no need to inspect other items for whether
it is on the first page or the last page. Having found the string two times is
enough to set the boundary.
l Delimiters before/after: Defines the boundary a certain number of data pages
before or after the current data page. This is useful if the text triggering the
boundary is not located on the first data page of the record.
l Operator: Selects the type of comparison (for example, "contains").
l Word to find: Compares the text value with the value in the data source.
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