
Table Of Contents
l Next line with content: Jumps to the next line that has contents, either anywhere
on the line or in specific columns.
l Inspect entire page width: When checked, the Next line with content and
Next occurrence of options will look anywhere on the line. If unchecked,
options appear below to specify in which area of each line the Goto step
checks in:
l Left: The starting column, inclusively.
l Right: The end column, inclusively.
l Use selection: Click while a selection is made in the Data Viewer to
automatically set the left and right values to the left and right edges of the
l Next occurrence of: Jumps to the next occurrence of specific text or a text pattern,
either anywhere on the line or in specific columns.
l Inspect entire page width: When checked, the Next line with content and
Next occurrence of options will look anywhere on the line. If unchecked,
options appear below to specify in which area of each line the Goto step
checks in:
l Left: The starting column, inclusively.
l Right: The end column, inclusively.
l Use selection: Click while a selection is made in the Data Viewer to
automatically set the left and right values to the left and right edges of the
l Expression: Enter the text or Regex expression to look for on the page.
l Use selection: Click while a selection is made in the Data Viewer to copy the
contents of the first line of the selection into the Expression box.
l Use regular expression: Check so that the Expression box is treated as a
regular expression instead of static text. For example, using the expression
(aaa|bbb|ccc) will move the data pointer to the next line in which either "aaa",
"bbb" or "ccc" occurs.
For more information on using Regular Expressions (regex), see the
Regular-Expressions.info Tutorial.
Page 374