
Table Of Contents
l "Print" on page466. This topic helps you design and fill sections in the Print context.
l "Email" on page508. This topics helps you design an email template.
l "Web" on page534. This topic helps you design a web page.
"Sections" on page462. Sections in one context are designed for the same output channel.
"Content elements" on page624. Elements make up the biggest part of the content of each
"Snippets" on page732. Snippets help share content between contexts, or insert content
"Styling and formatting" on page736. Make your Designer templates look pretty and give them
the same look and feel with style sheets.
"Personalizing content" on page780. Personalize your customer communications using
variable data.
"Writing your own scripts" on page867. Scripting can take personalization much further. Learn
how to script via this topic.
"Generating output" on page1447. Learn the ins and outs of generating output from each of the
The Designer is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) tool to create templates. This topic
gets you started. It explains how to create a template, what is found in a template file, and how
output can be generated.
Creating a template
In the Welcome screen that appears after startup, get off to a flying start choosing Template
Wizards. Scroll down to see all the Template Wizards. After deciding which output channel will
be prevalent in your template, select a template.
The Template Wizards can also be accessed from the menu: click File, click New, expand the
Template folder, and then expand one of the templates folders.
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