
Table Of Contents
with an Email Template Wizard; see "Creating an Email template with a Wizard" on
Outputting and combining contexts
All contexts can be present in any template and they can all be used to output documents; see
"Generating Email output" on page1477, "Generating Print output" on page1449 and
"Generating Web output" on page1488.
They can even be combined in output.
If present in the same template, a Print context and a Web context can be attached to an Email
You could select Print sections based on a value in the data with a Conditional Print Sections
script; see "Conditional Print sections" on page811.
Outputting other combinations of contexts, and selecting other sections based on a value in the
data, can be done via a Control Script; see "Control Scripts" on page903.
Adding a context
To add a context, right-click the Contexts folder on the Resources pane and click New print
context, New email context or New web context. Or use Context > Add in the main menu.
Only one context of each type can be present in a template. Each context, however, can hold
more than one section; see "Sections" on the facing page.
Importing a context
To import a context, click File >Import Resources... in the menu. See: "Import Resources
dialog" on page961.
Deleting a context
To delete a context, right-click the context on the Resources pane and click Delete.
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