
Table Of Contents
l Property:These are free field text fields.
These fields and their associated values get appended to the JDBC
connection and therefore must follow all rules regarding acceptable
URLaddresses for such.
l Value:The value applied to the associated Property.
Add: Used to add extra Property values to the table.
Delete:Used to remove existing Property values from the table.
l Test Connection:Use to test if current connection settings will connect to the
specified database.
l Restore Defaults: Will restore the settings to PlanetPress Connect
HyperSQLstandard defaults.
l Apply:When a database connection is confirmed as correct this button becomes
active, and is used to actually apply the database swap.
The Database Connection preferences also provides you with buttons to :
l Test Connection: This will run a test on the current Database Connection settings.
l Restore Defaults. This option restores the preferences to Defaults. This applies to the
current Preferences page only, but not other Preferences.
l Apply: This option applies the settings made within the current Preferences page, but
does not close the Preferences dialog.
Editing preferences
These preferences define different editing options in the Designer module.
l Object Resizing for <div> elements: This defines in which contexts to enable the
resizing of <div> elements (including Positioned and Inline boxes). Resizing <div>
elements may cause layouts to produce undesirable results especially when using
Foundation templates.
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