
Table Of Contents
l Data Field / Parameter: Use the drop-down to select which data field in the record,
or which runtime parameter in the template, the condition will be based upon. (See
"Variable Data" on page805 and "Runtime parameters" on page466.)
l Operator: Select which kind of comparison is applied.
The options available will depend upon the Data Field or Parameter type (they are
"type aware"), but most have at least "is equal to" and "is not equal to" as an option.
l Value: The value(s) used for the conditional check.
l String data field specific selections are whether the alphanumeric string
"contains", "does not contain", "starts with" or "ends with" another string value.
Values are case sensitive by default. You can click the button next to the
value to make them case insensitive, which means that upper- and lowercase
letters are treated as being the same.
l Date data field specific selections are whether the date field is "before" or
"after" another date entry.
Dates should be entered in ISO standard notation (yyyy-mm-dd) (see ISO
8601). It is best to select the date using the date selection option.
l Boolean data field specific selections are whether the selected Boolean data
field "is true" or "is false".
l Numeric data field specific selections: Whether the numeric fields is "less
than", "less than or equal to", "greater than" or "greater than or equal to"
another number entry.
The script is displayed below the condition and updated while the condition is being edited.
Section properties dialogs
The respective section properties dialogs are opened via the contextual menu:
l Right-click the section in the Resources pane and choose Properties.
Email section properties
For information about Email sections, see: "Email templates" on page527.
Properties tab
The properties for an Email section are minimal and contain the following options:
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