
Table Of Contents
l Display: Use the drop-down or type in the value for how to display the table.
Equivalent to the CSS display property.
l Overflow: Use the drop-down or type in the value for how to handle overflow
(text that does not fit in the current size of the box). Equivalent to the CSS
overflow property.
l Text wrap group:
l Float: Use the drop-down or type in the value for how to float the table, if the
table is not in an absolute position. Equivalent to the CSS float property.
l Clear: Use the drop-down or type in the value for clearing pre-existing
alignments. Equivalent to the CSS clear property.
l Positioning:
l Position: Use the drop-down or type in the value for the type of positioning for
the table. Equivalent to the CSS position property.
l Top: Set the vertical offset between this table and its parent's top position.
Equivalent to the CSS top property.
l Left: Set the horizontal offset between this table and its parent's left position.
Equivalent to theCSS left property.
l Bottom: Set the vertical offset between this table and its parent's bottom
position. Equivalent to theCSS bottom property.
l Right: Set the horizontal offset between this table and its parent's left position.
Equivalent to theCSS right property.
l Z-index: Set the z-index of the table. The z-index defines in which order
elements appear. Equivalent to the CSS z-index property.
l Breaks group:
l Before: Specifies how to handle page breaks before the table. Equivalent to
the CSS page-break-before property.
l Inside: Specifies whether to accept page breaks within the table. Equivalent
to the CSS page-break-inside property.
l After: Specifies how to handle page breaks after the table. Equivalent to the
CSS page-break-after property.
l Widows: Specifies how to handle widows within the table (rows appearing
alone on the next page if the table does not fit on the current one). Equivalent
to the CSS widows property. Widows and orphans are ignored if the page-
break-inside property is set to avoid.
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