
Table Of Contents
l Virtual Stationery: Enables or disables the visibility of the PDF Background image set in
the Media.
l Highlight Master Page Items: Enables or disables a yellow border around Master Page
items in a section.
l Object Resizing: Enables or disables the ability to resize <div> elements on the page.
See "Editing preferences" on page857 for more fine-tuned control.
l Shared Content Editing: Enables or disables the ability to edit shared content in
locations where it is used. See "Snippets" on page741.
Window Menu
l Show View>: Use the options in this menu to show or hide different panes of the UI.
l Translations: Shows the "Translations pane" on page1079.
l Outline: Shows the "Outline pane" on page1068.
l Messages: Shows the Messages pane, see "Preflight Results and Messages" on
l Data Model: Shows the "Data Model pane" on page1062.
l Preflight Results: Shows the results of a Preflight; see "Doing a Preflight" on
l Scripts: Shows the "Scripts pane" on page1075.
l Parameters: Shows the Parameters pane. See "Runtime parameters" on page466.
l Styles: Shows the "Styles pane" on page1079.
l Attributes: Shows the "Attributes pane" on the next page.
l Resources: Shows the "Resources pane" on page1069.
l Reset Perspective: Resets all toolbars and panes to the initial configuration of the
l Clear Recent Files Lists: Clears the lists of the most recently opened templates and data
mapping configurations under File > Open Recent and in the Welcome screen.
l Preferences: Click to open the Preferences dialog.
Help Menu
l Software Activation: Displays the Software Activation dialog. See "Activating a License"
on page55.
l Help Topics: Opens the help system in the default web browser.
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