
Table Of Contents
l Delete Element: Click to delete the element from the outline view. This also
removes it in the template itself for the current section.
Resources pane
The Resources pane displays the resources that affect the template and its output.
Images, fonts, stylesheets and snippets can be dragged or copied and pasted into the
Resources pane to add them to your template.
Media resources define paper handling configurations for Print output (see "Generating Print
output" on page1470 and "Print options" on page1190) including page size and paper type.
See "Media" on page510 for more information.
Contextual menu
l New Media: Click to create a new Media and open its properties ("Media Properties" on
l Delete: Click to delete the resource. This is the same as pressing the Delete key while
the resource is selected.
l Rename: Click to open the resource's Rename. This is the same as pressing the F2 key
while the resource is selected.
l Properties: Click to open the media properties.
l Copy: Click to copy the selected Media to the clipboard.
l Paste: Paste the copy into the Media folder.
Master Pages
Master Pages are layers of content that can be used by multiple Print Contexts to provide a
reusable static background of content. Only one Master Page can be selected for each page
position in the context. See "Master Pages" on page506 for more information.
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