
Table Of Contents
l <!-- format:off --> turns the formatting off
l <!-- format:smart --> or <!-- format:auto --> turns the formatting back on.
l <!-- format:collapse --> forces the following HTML elements to be collapsed.
l <!-- format:expand --> forces the following HTML elements to be expanded.
This example shows how to turn pretty printing off for one specific HTML element: a Div
<p>In a "pretty printed" paragraph
<br>text is indented automatically on the Source tab.
<!-- format:off --><div anchor="page_media_0" style="font-family:
Lucida Console,monospace; line-height: 1.2; white-space: pre-wrap;
position: absolute; overflow: hidden; -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
width: 675px; height: 68px; top: 209.967px; left: 65.4px;" offset-
x="103.19999694824219" offset-y="247.76666259765625">@Header1@
</div><!-- format:auto-->
Live tab
The Live tab shows the result of the template as rendered by the Gecko rendering engine. It is a
good indication of how an HTML template would display in a visitor's browser, especially if they
are using FireFox (which uses the Gecko engine).
This topic lists the buttons that are available in the top toolbar of the Designer module.
For a description of the buttons at the top of the Workspace, see "Workspace" on page1080.
File manipulation
New: Displays the New Wizard where a new data mapping configuration or a new
template can be created.
Open: Displays the Open dialog to open an existing template.
Save: Saves the current template. If the template has never been saved, the Save
As... dialog is displayed.
Print: Opens the Print Output dialog.
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