
Table Of Contents
width(value): void
Sets the outer width of this element, including padding and borders, excluding margins. To
include margins, call width(value, true).
Number. Give the width in pixels, but without the measurement unit (e.g. 400, not 400px).
This script adds 20 pixels to the width and height of an element.
var h = results.height();
var w = results.width();
h = h + 20;
w = w + 20;
results.height( h );
results.width( w );
The following script does the same, but in this case, margins are included.
var h = results.height(true);
var w = results.width(true);
h = h + 20;
w = w + 20;
results.height( h, true);
results.width( w, true);
A Standard script or Post Pagination script that has its scope set to "Each matched element"
(see "Setting the scope of a script" on page883) will be called in a loop over the elements that
match the selector of the script - the results (see "results" on page1448). In such a script, this
is an object of the type QueryResult. It represents the current element in the loop.
The scope of Control Scripts can't be set, because they don't have a selector.
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