
Table Of Contents
Selector Matched element Matched element after script execution
<div id="box">
<p>Peter Parker</p>
<div id="box">
<h1>Personal information</h1>
This script prepends a snippet that contains the text "<h1>Personal information</h1>".
var a = loadhtml('snippets/snippet.html');
Selector Matched element Matched element after script execution
div <div id="box">
<p>Peter Parker</p>
<div id="box">
<h1>Personal information</h1>
This script uses the function query() to find a box. Then it inserts a heading as the first element
in that box.
query("#box").prepend("<h1>Personal information</h1>");
Matched element Matched element after script execution
<div id="box">
<p>Peter Parker</p>
<div id="box">
<h1>Personal information</h1>
This script uses the function query() to find a box, prepends a heading and sets the text color of
the entire box to red.
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