
Table Of Contents
width(value): void
Sets the outer width of this element, including padding and borders, excluding margins. To
include margins, call width(value, true).
Number. Give the width in pixels, but without the measurement unit (e.g. 400, not 400px).
This script adds 20 pixels to the width and height of an element.
var h = results.height();
var w = results.width();
h = h + 20;
w = w + 20;
results.height( h );
results.width( w );
The following script does the same, but in this case, margins are included.
var h = results.height(true);
var w = results.width(true);
h = h + 20;
w = w + 20;
results.height( h, true);
results.width( w, true);
When a template has been prepared to use the translation feature (see "Translating templates"
on page936), this feature is also accessible via a template script.
The translate() function gets the translation for a message, provided that a translation entry
can be found for it (with the same context, if given).
If the text to be translated does not already exist in the template, you can create a translation
entry for it by using the Add Empty String button on the "Translations pane" on page1079.
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