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this.find('@ItemDesc@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields
The following script clones and populates a boilerplate row. Once completed you will need to
hide the boilerplate row.
for(var i = 0; i < record.tables['detail'].length; i++) {
var row = results.clone(); //Clone our boilerplate row
row.find('@ItemNumber@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields
row.find('@ItemOrdered@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields
row.find('@ItemTotal@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields
row.find('@ItemDesc@').text( record.tables['detail'][i].fields
row.find('@nr@').text( i );
// Hide our boilerplate row (note that this doesn't really delete
the row).
In a Control Script, the html() function of a section or Master Page can be used to get the initial
contents of its <body>, and modify them. This makes it possible, for example, to populate a
section or Master Page with elements retrieved from a Content Management system, before
Standard Scripts run.
Gets the initial contents of the <body> of a section or Master Page.
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