
Table Of Contents
Creating separate output files
To make each document or groups of documents go into a separate file, a print job needs to
be 'separated'. Separation is one of the options to set in an Output Creation Preset (see
"Output Creation Presets" on page1479). An Output Creation Preset also determines where
the output will go.
For example, if a mailing has two groups on the Job level: one of recipients in Canada and one
of recipients in the United States, separating the output on the Job level and printing to PDF
would result in two PDF files.
If the same documents were also grouped by state/province on the Job Segment level, then
splitting the job at the Job Segment level would result in one file per state/province.
Naming output files
When output is split into multiple files, each file probably needs to get a name that identifies the
document or group of documents inside it.
For example, if documents are grouped by state or province on the Job Segment level, and the
job is split at the Job Segment level, the output files probably need to be named after a state or
Here's how to do that:
1. First, define meta data at the intended separation level. This is done in the Job Creation
Preset (see "Include meta data" on page1478).
2. Then, in the Output Creation Preset, use those meta data in the Job Output Mask (see
"Output options" on page1191). They are inserted into the file name as variables. For
example: ${segment.metadata.State} refers to a meta data tag State defined on
the job segment level.
For the complete list of output variables, see "Print output variables" below.
Only meta data defined on the actual separation level are accessible to the Job
Output Mask.
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