
Table Of Contents
3. On the File menu, click Send Email or Send Test Email. In the dialog that appears you
can, among other things, attach the Print context or the Web context to the email. See
"Send (Test) Email" on page1021 for a description of all the options. Finally, click OK.
When you send a test email, the Email To Script will not be used; instead, the email
will be sent to the address that you specify in the Send Test Email dialog. If you
have a Litmus account, you can enter your Litmus test address. To make the test
address appear by default, you can set the default test address in the Email
Preferences: select Window > Preferences, click the arrow next to Email, click
General and type the test address next to Email Test address.
See also: "Testing Email output" on the previous page.
Generating Email output from Workflow
Here's how to generate Email output from Workflow:
1. Send the required files to PlanetPress Workflow: the template that contains the Email
context, and any data mapping configuration that you want to use to extract data from a
data file. See: "Sending files to Workflow" on page454.
If the input data is JSON, a data mapping configuration isn't needed.
2. Create a process in PlanetPress Workflow. See: "Email processes with OL Connect
tasks" on page184.
Aborting content creation
You may want the content creation process to be aborted in certain situations; for example,
when a template script fails to load remote content. To abort the content creation process, you
may raise a fatal error from within a script in the template; see "fatalError(message)" on
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