
Table Of Contents
OLConnect 2021.2 Improvements
Security improvements
l Java Runtime Environment (JRE)used for Connect Send plugin and back-end database
updated to current JRE 1.8.0-292. (SHARED-81937)
l Multi-line log messages converted to a single line, to preclude CRLF Injection exploits.
General OLConnect improvements
l Improved backend database startup process across Connect applications, reducing
issues with startup failures in containerized environments. (SHARED-80360)
l HTML content creation: leave remote resource links intact when inlining.
Introduced a new inline LOCALmode for embedding local resources in HTML content
creation endpoints. This allows you to specify that remote resources remain external
whilst inline resources are local. A resource is considered local if it is embedded in the
template or if it has a URL with the file: protocol. In other words, a resource is not
considered local if it has a URL with the HTTP: or HTTPS: protocol. (SHARED-82592)
l Render Email Content now checks email addresses. This means that when an email
address is invalid, no email content will be created and an error is reported for the record
with an invalid email address. (SHARED-81313)
l The endpoints for Email content creation now return status code 400 (bad request)
instead of 500 (internal server error) if the template does not have a email context or if the
requested section was not found. (SHARED-81218)
l Fixed an encoding issue when the /entity/datarecords/values REST API endpoint was
called with the optimized parameter set to true. (SHARED-82833)
l Generate a 400 (Bad Request) error instead of a 500 error (Internal Server Error) if an
invalid inline mode is passed to one of the HTML content creation REST endpoints.
Known Issues
As of PlanetPress Connect 2018.1 the Known Issues have moved from the Release Notes to
the Connect online Help.
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