
Table Of Contents
OL Connect Send Improvements
Citrix and Microsoft Terminal Services (Remote Desktop Services) support
Version 1.8 of OLCS adds support for both Citrix and Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Services
environments. (SHARED-71164/71167)
Some of the changes made to allow this include:
l The license check for user based licenses has been changed to distinguish between
different users on the same machine/system. These are now separately counted.
l Improvements were made so you can now get the browser pop-up when printing from a
desktop on a multi-user system, for a full interactive OLCS experience. (SHARED-80443)
Known Issues
As of PlanetPress Connect 2018.1 the Known Issues have moved from the Release Notes to
the Connect online Help.
They can be found here.
OLPlanetPress ConnectRelease Notes 2020.2.1
License Update Required for Upgrade to Connect 2020.x
From OLConnect 2019.1 onwards, only customers with a current OL Care subscription will be
able to update Connect.
Every Connect license now contains an end date that represents the last day of OL Care
coverage for each customer. Upgrades and updates of Connect will be freely available up until
that end date, but will not be available thereafter, unless the OLCare period is extended.
This new licensing model requires anyone upgrading to 2020.2 from Connect versions earlier
than 2019.1 to first update their OLConnect License.
A dialog box appears as part of the Connect upgrade process requesting you to do this.
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