
Table Of Contents
OLConnect 2020.1 Enhancements
MySQL update and improvements
The database that comes bundled with OL Connect has been updated to the latest version of
MySQL (8.0.18), along with the drivers used to connect to it. (SHARED-63665/74191)
The new packaged database will only be installed with new installations. This is to avoid any
chance of issues that might occur in migrating an existing database to the new version. Existing
users who want to upgrade their packaged database, will have to start with a fresh database.
Other MySQLimprovements
l Connect now supports connecting to existing MySQL version 8 databases. Both as the
Connect back-end database, or for DataMapping purposes. (SHARED-71285)
l Under certain circumstances, precision was lost when using MySQL databases, causing
content on pages to be misplaced. The precision of numbers has been increased.
l Fixed issue with the Connect cleanup service failing to detect partitioning support on
newer MySQL instances (v8.x). (SHARED-74623)
Runtime parameters added to Data Mapping
Runtime parameters have been introduced to DataMapper configurations. The DataMapper
engine can now use runtime parameters directly, when running DataMapper configurations.
An output file's content/data is now correctly returned for synchronous print operations when the
result is a single output file (requested via 'Process All-In-One (Adhoc Data)' method of the All-
In-One Service REST API service). (SHARED-75175)
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