
Table Of Contents
New Microsoft Office 365 connectors
New Office 365 OneDrive and Office 365 Email input/output tasks are now available in
Workflow. (SHARED-74333)
OneDrive input/output processes allow retrieval from, and posting to, any OneDrive account in
the organization’s Office 365 services.
The Email input/output tasks allow processes to access any mailbox in the organization’s
Office 365.
Note that in order to achieve this, the organization’s IT department must allow Workflow to
access the services by generating an Application ID in the Azure Dashboard. The Application
ID must then be provided in each of the tasks that want to access the Office 365 services.
Without this Application ID, the services remain unavailable to Workflow and the plugins cannot
be used.
In the future these Office 365 connectors will include SharePoint tasks, making Workflow even
more cloud-aware.
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