
Table Of Contents
l Allow the use of JSON arrays notation when Retrieving Items by ID. For example use
[189,1057,3002] to retrieve those three specific items. (SHARED-71621)
l SFTP plugin can now create a folder on FTP server when outputting files. (SHARED-72503)
l Legacy version 4 configuration files can now be opened in Workflow. (SHARED-73396)
l SMTP Server ports were previously limited to 9999. This has been increased to allow a
maximum port of 65,535. (SHARED-73458)
l NodeJS Server Input. Customizable constant DEFAULT_MULTIPART_MAXFIELDS
added to default.js file. This can be changed to raise the maximum limit of allowed fields
in a multipart/form-data post request. Note that the server must be restarted after the
change. (SHARED-73613)
l Secure Email Input/Output plugins are now correctly translated when changing
language. (SHARED-74053)
l Fixed an issue with scripted PDF section backgrounds not scaling correctly through
Workflow. (SHARED-74431)
l Fixed minor GUIissues with custom plugins. These included:
l Sometimes the plugin would pause and not get past the "Loading UI" screen,
requiring rerunning the plugin. (SHARED-74518)
l It was not possible to click the browse button a second time, as the background was
disabled when file browser started. (SHARED-74560)
l Fixed CreateJob when using the "unselect unused content items in metadata" option. It
now works even if only the content item IDs are provided in the metadata. There is no
need for record ids to be present. (SHARED-74666)
l Fixed "respond on error" not working for legacy HTTP server plugin. (SHARED-75608
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