
Table Of Contents
Print Wizard and Preset Wizard Improvements
Dynamic Print Control Improvements
Improvements have been made to the creation of Dynamic Print Controls.
l When working with PPD files to dynamically drive PostScript printers, some printers have
fragments called JobPatchFile in their PPD, which are required for the printer to function
properly. These are now supported and automatically added to the output if the PPD
includes such. (SHARED-68025)
l Certain printers require some options to be in very specific locations in order for them to
work properly. To support this, the Dynamic PPD rules now has two groups relating
specifically to two of these locations: Prolog and Setup. These rather technical features
allow us to support more PostScript printers than before. (SHARED-68025)
l When adding Media in Dynamic PPD we now validate the user defined Printer Options
against the Rule Details. If the rules matches a Media in the template or Presets, it is
highlighted in green. (SHARED-68401)
l An option has been added to rotate landscape pages. When this option is selected, any
page detected as being in Landscape orientation will be rotated to match the standard
PaperSizes (which are always in Portrait). (SHARED-65191)
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