
Table Of Contents
Connect 2018.1.6 Enhancements/Fixes
Improved Weaver Engine memory usage
Weaver Engine memory usage has been considerably improved. These changes have resulted
in the Weaver Engines not only requiring fewer system resources but have also improved
stability and reduced the need for periodic restarts. (SHARED-65330)
Improved font handling
l Improved font style simulation, for when the full font family is not available.
Note that this might cause some very minor output differences in comparison to earlier
Connect 2018.1 font style simulations. (SHARED-65336)
l Incompatibilities between the Windows API and some custom fonts that required font
style simulation could lead to Merge Engine failures. These issues have now been
addressed. (SHARED-65334)
Blank pages encountered in jobs with PDF backgrounds of 30 pages or more
An issue was discovered in jobs in which the PDF background input exceeded 30 pages. In
this scenario some pages would output blank after the 30 page limit was reached. This error
was due to the internal image cache being exhausted and has now been fixed. (SHARED-
Dynamic Printer Control not applying some rules correctly
Dynamic PPD rules that were supposed to apply to Job/File level were actually being applied
at the Page/Sheet level. This error has now been fixed.
Connect 2018.1.5 Enhancements/Fixes
Blank page inserted in some multi-page transactional tables
Issues were encountered with some transactional print jobs, whereby a blank page would be
inserted towards the end of some multi-page transactional records. This problem would only be
encountered under very specific circumstances. Such as in duplex transactional documents
with records that exceeded 15 pages, or where two documents with page numbers in the mid
teens followed each other. These issues have now been fixed. (SHARED-64556)
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