
Table Of Contents
l Log file settings can now be adjusted within the Designer and Server Configuration
preference windows. The settings are global to all Connect applications. Settings include
log file rollover options(time or size based), and the format of the log messages
generated. (SHARED-60043)
Installer Improvements:
l Prerequisites now installed silently when installing Connect using silent installer.
l Messaging improved for when the Connect installer cannot safely commence un-
installation. (SHARED-59565)
l Installation folders cleaned up. Those that were no longer necessary have been removed,
and others have been renamed or moved to make them more logically consistent.
Back-end Improvements:
l Better handling of non-responsive engines. (SHARED-55305)
l Improved response to Merge engine failures. (SHARED-46180)
l Reduced memory footprint when running the same job multiple times. (SHARED-57905)
Logging Improvements:
l Improvements made to Weaver logging for small output jobs and improved throughput.
l Connect version number added to certain log files, to streamline issue identification and
confirmation. (SHARED-60256)
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