
Table Of Contents
"Extract all from here" feature added
In TXT mode, we’ve often had the request to be able to extract everything after a specific
location, regardless of the record length. This would be useful, for instance, when extracting the
body of an email which is never fixed-length. Until PlanetPress Connect 1.8, the customary way
of proceeding would be to use a Loop step that stores all lines in a variable and an Extract step
after the loop to store that variable into a field. Not the most elegant method! A new feature
allows you to specify that a field should extract everything from the current location down to the
end of the current record. No loops, no variables required. (SHARED-54137)
Improved Management of Sample Data
Support added for copy-and-pasting files from Windows Explorer to the Data Samples list, and
vice-versa. This allows the quick exporting of those files without having to open the data
mapping configuration. It also allows you to quickly add files to the configuration without having
to use the Browse button.
In addition, you can now multi-select files in the Data Samples list and delete them at once,
which saves you time when you want to remove all these test files from the configuration before
sending it to production. (SHARED-43317/51800)
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