
Table Of Contents
Handling Nested Detail Data
Simplifying the handling nested detail data has been on our agenda for some time. As part of
our research into this we have looked at an approach that repeats table rows for nested detail
data. This doesn’t create HTML tables in HTML tables but rather clones a base row specified
for each level.
Consider the following image:
At this stage there is no user interface to configure this type of dynamic table but in a separate
Technical article. It can be achieved by setting some HTML attributes in the Source view and
adding scripting to populate the cells.
A user interface (table wizard) to set things more elegantly will be introduced in a future version,
along with additional functionality, such as subtotal calculations.
As we are rather excited about this approach we wanted to share the current state with you in
PlanetPress Connect 1.7.1. (SHARED-43047)
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