
Table Of Contents
l Apache Geronimo
l Apache HttpClient
l Apache HttpClient Mime
l Apache HttpCore
l Apache POI
l Apache ServiceMix
l Apache Xerces2 Java Parser
l Apache XML Graphics
l Apache XML Beans
l ASN1bean
l Barcode4j
l Google Collections
l Google GSON
l Hibernate Validator
l Jackson JSON processor
l JCIP Annotations
l Jetty
l Jetty Websocket API
l JSONPath
l JSONSanitizer
l JSON Small and Fast Parser
l Liquibase
l LMAX Disruptor
l Minidev
l Nimbus JOSE+JWT
l Objenesis
l OpenCSV
l OPS4J Pax Web
l org.eclipse.persistence.logging.slf4j
l org.json.simple
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