
Table Of Contents
When the necessary files have been created and sent to Workflow, the next step is to create a
process in PlanetPress Workflow that generates Print output, using these files.
For more information about how to create a process in Workflow, please refer to the Online
Help of Workflow.
Web processes with OL Connect tasks
Serving a web page, made with a template, via an automated process requires you to design a
web process in the PlanetPress Workflow configuration tool.
This topic explains which tasks and files are used in a web process.
An easy way to start an OL Connect web project including the web process and the files
that it needs, is to use a Project Wizard. There are two Project Wizards that generate a
sample web project. See "Project Wizards" on page1002.
With a trial or reseller license, Connect Web output is limited to the localhost. This means
that the Connect Server and Workflow must be on the same workstation in order to create
Web output.
The structure of a web process
In a web process two plugins are essential:
l An Input task.
l The Create Web Content plugin.
If the Input task is a Server Input task, that task will return the output of the process - the web
page - to the caller.
The HTTP Action of the Server Input task determines how the process is triggered. If, for
example, the HTTP Action is /hello, the process will be invoked when the Workflow server
receives a request for a resource called hello. (You could, for example, trigger the process by
typing the following URL in the address bar of your browser: http://localhost:9090/hello, if the
browser runs on the same machine as the Workflow server and the Input task is a NodeJS
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