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After selecting a JSON file, specify if and how the JSON file must be split into multiple records.
This is done by selecting an object or array as parent element. Its direct child elements -
objects and arrays, not key-value pairs - can be seen as individual source records. If the root is
selected, there will be only one source record.
Whether source records are output as individual records depends on the trigger. Either:
l Select On element to create a new record in the output for each object or array in the
parent element.
l Select On change to create a new record each time the value in a certain key-value pair
changes. Only key-value pairs that exist at the root of a child element can be evaluated.
When you click Finish, a data mapping configuration will be set up with one Extract all step.
All data found in child elements of the selected parent element are extracted to fields at the root
of the Data Model. If a value consists of an object or array, the entire object or array is extracted
to one data field.
Field names are derived from keys, objects and arrays in the first record, but those aren't
necessarily the same in a subsequent record. If following records have a different structure, for
example if a record has more child elements compared to the first record, some data may not
get extracted.
Any elements outside the selected parent element are repeated in the source records, but they
don't get extracted automatically.
Using the wizard for PDF/VT or AFP files
The pages in PDF/VT and AFP files can be grouped on several levels. Additional information,
such as TLEs - a TLE is a Tagged Logical Element - in AFP files, can be attached to each level
in the structure. The structure and additional information are stored in the file's metadata.
The DataMapper wizard for PDF/VT and AFP files lets you select a level to trigger the start of a
new record and it also enables you to extract the additional information from the metadata. You
can extract data from the content afterwards.
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