
Table Of Contents
In this tree view you can select elements just like files in the Windows Explorer. Keep the Ctrl
key pressed down while clicking on key-value pairs or brackets to select multiple elements, or
keep the Shift key pressed down to select consecutive elements.
You can select multiple key-value pairs, arrays and objects even if those are in different
To get a better overview you can collapse any JSON level.
The DataMapper moves through JSON files using JsonPath, a path-like syntax to identify and
navigate elements in a JSON document. For an overview of the JsonPath syntax, see
In the DataMapper the JsonPath can be absolute (start with $ which is the root) or relative to the
current position (start with . which is the current element).
JsonPath can be used in a Repeat step, Extract step and Condition step, often eliminating the
need for a Goto step.
A JsonPath can be relative or absolute. Note, however, that with a relative JsonPath going up
to a parent element is not possible.
The full JsonPath to an element is displayed at the bottom left of the window when you
select it. To copy the path, right-click it and select Copy.
If a key in a JSON file has a name that looks like a function (e.g. "TLIST(A1)"), then the
Extract step has to use a JsonPath with bracket notation instead of the default dot
notation. For information about the bracket notation see
Extracting transactional data
Promotional data are data about customers, such as addresses, names and phone numbers.
In Connect, each record in the extracted record set represents one recipient. The number of
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