
Table Of Contents
directly through the record object (see the "Designer Script API" on page1281 and
"DataMapper Scripts API" on page384).
To change the order in which data are extracted, see "Renaming and reordering fields in an
extraction step" on page275.
Moving fields
To move a field, a group of fields or a detail table, you can simply drag and drop it to some
other place in the Data Model.
Alternatively, you can right-click the field, group or detail table and select one of the options in
the Move menu, to move it up or down within the list or group.
Fields cannot be moved into another table. However, inside a table they can be moved up or
Grouping fields
To group one or more fields, select the field(s), right-click and select Add group. It is also
possible to create groups within groups; this is done in the same way.
To move a field into an existing group you can simply drag and drop it into the group or onto
the name of that group.
To delete a group, right-click it and select Ungroup. The fields will be moved up one level in
the structure. To move a field out of an existing group you can also simply drag and drop it out
of that group.
To delete an empty group, right-click it and select Delete.
Using the Data Model in templates
The Data Model is what enables you to create personalized templates in the Designer module.
You can drag & drop fields from the Data Model into the template that you are creating (see
"Variable Data" on page805). For this, you need to either have a template and a data mapping
configuration open at the same time, or import a Data Model (see "Importing/exporting a Data
Model" on page268).
The Data Model is reusable, meaning that it can be shared amongst different template layouts
and output types.
Different data mapping configurations could use the same Data Model, allowing a template to
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