
Table Of Contents
Hide/Show datamap : Click to show or hide the icons to the left of the Data Viewer
which displays how the steps affect the line.
Hide/Show extracted data : Click to show or hide the extraction selections indicating
that data is extracted. This simplifies making data selections in the same areas and is
useful to display the original data.
Lock/Unlock extracted data : Click to lock existing extraction selections so they
cannot be moved or resized. This simplifies making data selections in the same area.
l Zoom Level: Use the arrows to adjust the zoom level, or type in the zoom percentage.
Zoom In (CTRL +) : Click to zoom in by increments of 10%
Zoom Out (CTRL -) : Click to zoom out by increments of 10%
Additional Keyboard Shortcuts for XML and JSON files:
l + (while on an XML node or JSON element with children): Expand the XML node/JSON
l - (while on an XML node or JSONelement with children): Collapse the XML node/JSON
element, hiding all its child nodes/elements.
Contextual Menu
You can access thecontextual menu using a right-click anywhere inside the Viewer window.
The Add Extract Field item is available only after an Extract step has been added to the
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