
Table Of Contents
Name: The name of the step. This name will be displayed on top of the step's icon in the Steps
Comments: The text entered here will be displayed in the tooltip that appears when hovering
over the step in the Steps pane.
Fixed automation properties
The Fixed automation properties subsection lists all the fixed runtime parameters available
from PlanetPress Workflow. These properties are equivalent to data within the PlanetPress
Workflow process in which the data mapping configuration is applied. They are fixed in the
sense that the name of the property and the source of its value cannot be changed.
See also: "Properties and runtime parameters" on page228.
For each property, the following is available:
l Name: A read-only field displaying the name of the property.
l Scope: A read-only field indicating that the scope of the property is Runtime parameter.
l Type: A read-only field indicating the data type for each property.
l Debug Value: Enter a debug value for the property. This value is overwritten by the
actual value coming from PlanetPress Workflow when the data mapping configuration is
run using the Execute Data Mapping task.
The fixed runtime parameters are:
l JobInfoX: These properties are the equivalent of the Job Info values available in the
PlanetPress Workflow process see Job Info variables in the Workflow Online Help). To
access these properties inside of any JavaScript code within the data mapping
configuration, use the automation.jobInfos.JobInfoX (where X is the Job Info
number, from 0 to 9).
l OriginalFilename: This property contains the original file name that was captured by the
PlanetPress Workflow process and is equivalent to the %o variable in the process. To
access these property inside of any JavaScript code within the data mapping
configuration, use automation.properties.OriginalFilename.
l ProcessName: This property contains the name of the process that is currently executing
the data mapping configuration and is equivalent to the %w variable in the process. To
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