
Table Of Contents
l Use selection: Click to use the value of the current data selection.
If the selection contains multiple lines, only the first line is selected.
Repeat step properties
The Repeat step adds a loop to the extraction workflow; see "Steps" on page255 and
"Extracting transactional data" on page238.
The properties described below become visible in the Step properties pane when the Repeat
step is selected in the Steps pane.
This subsection is collapsed by default in the interface, to give more screen space to other
important parts.
Name: The name of the step. This name will be displayed on top of the step's icon in the Steps
Comments: The text entered here will be displayed in the tooltip that appears when hovering
over the step in the Steps pane.
Repeat Definition
l Repeat type:
l While statement is true: The loop executes while the statement below is true. The
statement is evaluated before the loop so the loop may not run at all.
l Until statement is true: The loop executes until the statement below is true. The
statement is evaluated after the loop so the loop will always run at least once.
l Until no more elements (for Text, CSV, Database and PDF files only): The loop
executes as long as there are elements left as selected below.
l For Each (for XMLand JSON files only): The loop executes for all nodes (by
default) or for selected nodes on the specified level. To have the loop execute only
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