
Table Of Contents
Calling this method does not move the current position to the location where the string
was found. This allows you to use the method as a look-ahead function without disrupting
the rest of the data mapping workflow.
String to find.
Number indicating the left limit from which the search is performed. This is expressed in
characters for a text file, or in millimetres for a PDF file.
Number indicating the right limit to which the search is performed. This is expressed in
characters for a text file, or in millimetres for a PDF file.
To look for the word "text" on an entire Letter page (8 1/2 x 11 inch), the syntax is:
data.find("text", 0, 216);
The numbers 0 and 216 are in millimeters and indicate the left and right limits (constraints)
within which the search should be performed. In this example, these values represent the entire
width of a page. Note that the smaller the area is, the faster the search is. So if you know that
the word "text" is within 3 inches from the left edge of the page, provide the following:
data.find("text", 0, 76.2); //76.2mm = 3*25.4 mm
The return value of the function is:
Left=26,76, Top=149.77, Right=40,700001, Bottom=154.840302
These values represent the size of the rectangle that encloses the string in full, in millimeters
relative to the upper left corner of the current page.
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